Monday, May 15, 2006


Now you can see Andrew's shirt. The monkey represents sharing. Happy birthday, Andrew!

The first of several pictures taken by Patrick. This is Kathryn.

Pat: Kath and me.

Pat's take on Mom. Actually, this is pretty cool composition, though your guess is as good as mine whether it was deliberate.

Pat does Andrew.

Pat again. This is Dad. You know, this would make an excellent CD album photo.

Pat: Me and.... I think Mom.

Pat turns his critical eye towards the ground. What lurks under the table?

Why, it is a vicious dog!

Pat and me. I'm so happy because I'm eating Mom's Rhubarb Pie with ice cream.

Andrew singing the Googol song.


Pat finds Truman a fascinating subject.

Truman is unsure how to express his appreciation for all this attention.

Me taking a picture of Dad taking a picture.

Nice shot, but I'm not sure why I took it.

Happy Birthday, Andrew! Truman is less invasive than Sadie; he's content to let us open the presents, he just really wants to know what's inside.

No audio, but everyone on the floor is barking at Andrew.

Andrew and Kathryn start a marching band in our living room. Why? To confuse Truman, of course!

Pat follows on french horn and Truman brings up the rear.

They march around and around and around...

This is my second- favorite shot I've taken so far.

He wants to participate, but doesn't know how.

Negotiations were tense but ultimately successful.

And this is my absolute favorite shot to date.

This one is also pretty cool, though. Picasa has options to brighten the image and remove red-eye, but, really, why would I want to do that?


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