David's visit from Minnesota over Memorial Day Weekend. Our fun started Friday night back at my apartment. We open with the traditional picture of someone taking a picture.
David getting into the groove on Guitar Hero.
He claims to have not played it before, but that didn't stop him from getting a perfect five stars on multiple occasions.
Go ahead! Smash the guitar! Woo!
A trip to the Rocket Mobile Global Headquarters.
At the Winchester Mystery House. There were a lot of attractive topiaries around.
A slice of the garden and part of the manor.
David posing between two statues that guard the entrance.
Basically the same shot, minus the fronds but with a wider view of the house.
A brief action shot, taken in the middle of ascending thirteen flights of stairs that took us up a whopping eight feet.
David examining the window. It offers a compelling view of the wall immediately behind it.
Ghosts are real.
Same room, after moving my camera about 80 degrees to the left. It must have been standing almost directly in front of me.
Pretty little place setting.
A window set in the floor. Good thing she also built a railing around it. I mean, it would have been a little crazy otherwise, right?
Some nice stained glass windows up on the third floor.
A shot out the window from the fourth floor. I like the luminescence.
David on the balcony.
A shot down at the grounds.
More of the yard and another wing. You can see the nearby modern city just beyond.
Here's the bell tower, in the middle of the house. Mrs. Winchester would ring this at midnight and 2AM to summon and dismiss the spirits.
Another pretty room. (There were quite a few. I don't have a good reason for why I took pictures of some and not others.)
Hey, look! Chairs! You know, this would be a great location for an Epic Legends of the Hierarchs: The Elemenster Saga movie.
The, uh... ballroom, maybe. Stay tuned for close-ups of the two stained-glass windows featuring obscure quotes from Shakespeare.
But first: Organ!
OK, here's one window...
... and here's the other!
A statue in an interior courtyard.
Yet another shot at the house. You can see the fourth-story balcony towards the center of the picture.
David recoiling in fear and horror from a giant redwood tree.
Towering trees! We wear hard-hats to protect ourselves if they fall over. Can't be too careful.
Their horticulturalists are very talented.
The window that used to be in the floor, only now it is in the ceiling.
Think quick!
Ahhh, In 'n Out. I love you so much. David is checking off his first West Coast fast food establishment.
Gazing at the interior of the Diablo Range. There's much more green here than there is on the western slopes.
Wow... I didn't expect this to turn out so well. Here's the western foothills of Diablo, the Santa Clara Valley, and the Santa Cruz range. I shoulda taken this in Infinity mode; as it is, it's hard to make out the valley. Flowers look nice, though.
Don't jump!
Chillin' in Casa de Cristobal.
Here we are on the southern peak of Twin Peaks. You can make out some of the city beyond David.
"I claim this land for Minnesota!"
Downtown. Market Street is the very visible road. Beyond is the Bay, with Oakland at the far side.
Further south. There are more neighborhoods represented in this shot than I can name here, but I will call out the Mission, which was celebrating the end of its Carnaval fest.
Further still south. You have a better view of the Twin Peaks neighborhood here.
And now the western exposure. That's the ocean in the distance. Those houses? I'm not sure... the ones in the upper left might be part of Ingleside.
Man, I shoulda angled this further up. There's a giant and scary-looking antenna that towers over this neighborhood and will totally crush everyone when the next earthquake strikes.
The southern peak, as seen from the north.
How did I get here?
At the Wharf, lookin' at boats.
The seals are sleepy.
David is tasting the delicious Ghirardelli concrete.
Ultimate Dancing Competition! Everyone fighting have good time! This marks the end of David's trip, from May 26th 2006 until the 29th. Thanks for coming, it was fun!